Simon was no big talker. But he was always bang on whenever he did speak. He was a man of images, and this website aims to honour this – and him. This homepage features an interview with Simon about his art. On the Art page you’ll find photographs of the work he created. And we’ll soon post a link to the thousands of art pictures he took.

The Personal page is for pictures of him. Plus video and audio in which you can see and hear him. It includes my favourite video, the one I go back to whenever I’m stuck and miss him.

Thank you for showing up and reaching out last year. And thank you for joining us here. Drop me a line at if you feel your video, photo or memory belongs on the Personal page. Or if you want to share a picture of a work of art that Simon gave or sold to you.

No pictures were taken at Simon’s Memorial Service in Trebah Gardens, but his bench is in place and ‘his’ tree is growing.